
For more than two decades, EcoEnterprises Fund has pioneered investing in small businesses that preserve the integrity of natural capital while contributing to local economies and biodiversity.


EcoEnterprises Fund utilizes tailored mezzanine, quasi-equity, and long-term debt instruments to catalyze growth in nature-based solutions such as regenerative agriculture, agro-forestry, sustainable aquaculture, ecotourism, certified forestry, and emerging nature-positive opportunities.


In Sales


Smallholder Farmers Supported


Local People Benefited


Acres Protected

EcoEnterprises Fund: Investing in Biodiversity for 25 Years

  • Biodiversity preservation and regeneration

    We support businesses that directly protect and restore valuable ecosystems such as sustainable forestry, ecotourism, and ocean-based businesses. Through investing to transform crucial sectors such as regenerative agriculture, agro-forestry, and specialty ingredients, we also help to reduce deforestation and soil and ocean degradation while promoting food security for future generations.

  • Climate solutions

    In addition to the climate benefits achieved through biodiversity preservation and regenerative practices, we invest in unique opportunities in areas such as alternative proteins, ag-tech, clean energy access, and the circular economy that reduce emissions, help climate resilience, and support planetary health.

  • Social equity

    With a particular focus on gender-inclusive and women-led companies, we invest in community businesses that collaborate with local peoples -including Indigenous communities- to boost incomes and take action to create a more equitable and just society.

Contact Us

If you are interested in further information about EcoEnterprises Fund or want to submit a business plan or financing proposal, please contact us via Linkedin.